🫧  THE TRIPLE TREAT IS HERE TO STAY | 120 MINUTES | $170 - Includes: Body Roll, Colonic, Sauna BOOK TODAY

  🫧  THE TRIPLE TREAT IS HERE TO STAY | 120 MINUTES | $170 - Includes: Body Roll, Colonic, Sauna BOOK TODAY

  🫧  THE TRIPLE TREAT IS HERE TO STAY | 120 MINUTES | $170 - Includes: Body Roll, Colonic, Sauna BOOK TODAY

  🫧  THE TRIPLE TREAT IS HERE TO STAY | 120 MINUTES | $170 - Includes: Body Roll, Colonic, Sauna BOOK TODAY

The Colonic Coach: Colonic Healthcare in Townsville



For Sustainable Health

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Giving You a Good Gut Feeling

Since ancient times, medical professionals have understood the immense power the gut has when it comes to regulating wellbeing, as well as the importance of a healthy colon. The Egyptians referred to the colon as “A River of Life or a River of Death.” They determined whether one has a body of life or a body of death by observing what floats down one’s internal river (the colon). Hippocrates, the great Greek physician famous for the oath that doctors swear today, claimed that “all disease begins in the gut.” Even today, health practitioners worldwide emphasise the vitality of regulating a healthy and functional gut. Jodie, The Colonic Coach, based in Townsville, is no exception. 

Jodie is passionate about helping clients get back to the basics of good intestinal and colonic health so that they can rejuvenate and thrive. In addition to offering an array of services—including colon hydrotherapy and infrared sauna treatments—Jodie will ensure you receive informed advice for maintaining wellbeing and remaining a conscious consumer.

To book an appointment, call Jodie today on 0422 666 782.

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Colon hydrotherapy can help the body absorb vital nutrients, as well as improve overall bowel function. It can also prove highly effective when it comes to removing toxins. 

By indulging in an infrared sauna treatment, you can target subdermal fat cells, help cleanse your skin, as well as relax and rejuvenate. The sauna is spacious and designed to maximise comfort.

Jodie will run you through how to use this innovative massage machine and tackle an array of stationary, touch-free workouts.

About The Process 

At ‘The Colonic Coach Cleansing Clinic,’ Jodie offers a “Closed System” only, meaning that there is a certified Colon Hydrotherapist in the room throughout the entire process of administering the treatment. Jodie uses disposable (single-use) TGA-approved speculum packs. 

After insertion of a speculum into the rectum, filtered water slowly and systematically travels around the colon during the 40-minute treatment to bathe the bowel, softening and breaking up blockages to expel from the body. The water pressure and temperature are controlled by the therapist to best support the individual client with the removal of toxins, gas, faecal matter, parasites, and mucoid plaque that lines the colon and interrupts its proper function. 

Colon Hydrotherapy is beneficial to rejuvenate the colon muscles that may have been weakened and assists improvement of peristaltic activity for waste removal by cleaning and exercising the colon muscles. A gentle abdominal massage will be provided by the therapist to assist with release. 

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How Do I Prepare & What to Do After a Colonic? 

Fasting isn’t necessary before a Colonic (however highly beneficial if you are versed in fasting). Jodie recommends reducing the overconsumption of high-fat foods, dairy, meat products, caffeine, and alcohol. (If you have consumed these in the day/s leading up to your appointment, do NOT let this prevent you from treatment and assistance of cleansing the colon when in need).

Eating lighter and nutrient-dense whole foods is recommended. Fresh fruit juices, smoothies, fruit, and steamed vegetables are the easiest for the body to digest and allow the digestive system time to actually ‘rest and digest.’

Cease food consumption two hours prior to the appointment and all fluid intake one hour prior to the appointment.

Keeping hydration levels of purified or distilled water, fresh juices, herbal teas, and natural electrolyte beverages to an adequate level after the colonic is absolutely necessary. More information can be provided regarding “Before & After” recommendations by calling the clinic to discuss your individual situation. 

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How Do Colonics Assist with Removal of Toxic Burden in the Body? 

Toxins accumulate in the body in many ways: stress and/or consuming too much acidic food, such as sugars, white flour, caffeine, alcohol, and medications.

When the bowel becomes unnaturally acidic, it attempts to protect itself by secreting a substance that lines the entire intestinal wall. This is known as mucoid plaque. This substance is what makes it hard for the body to absorb vitamins and nutrients, which could result in chronic malnutrition.

When the bowel becomes toxic, it contaminates the blood, which in turn, spreads the toxins to the heart, lungs, brain, muscles etc., as it is delivering nutrients throughout the body. In the end, the liver is left to deal with toxic blood, and after years of relentless toxicity, it will become sluggish until it no longer functions. At this point, the toxins will begin to collect in other parts of the body. Disease will manifest wherever they settle. Cleansing the colon allows you to remove accumulated mucoid plaque in order to rebuild your bowel and your liver and protect yourself from disease.

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Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy 

Colon health and its level of function is usually dismissed on one’s “health goals” list. We are often looking for ways to improve energy levels, detox the body and feel better overall; however, we don’t typically associate this with our colon health (our foundation).

Here are some benefits of how colon hydrotherapy can be used in accordance with a healthy diet and lifestyle to achieve optimal health.


Cleansing your colon can assist in removing toxins from your body. We are exposed to alarming amounts of toxins on the daily, and when these toxins are not flushed out, they can linger in the body. They can potentially do damage and impact our colon, along with the rest of our body’s organs and systems. Releasing toxic burden in the colon can also assist in reducing the risk of polyps and cancerous growths and allowing for our beneficial gut flora and bacteria to begin to flourish again in our colon.


Cleansing your colon from toxicity overload, constipation and/or parasites is a way to purge excess waste from your colon and body. Through cleaning and removal of excess waste or burdens in the colon, your body then has the ability to be able to function better and absorb nutrients from your food more effectively, which impacts and boosts your immune system and overall health. This will also lead to more regular bowel movements.

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Other Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy 


As Colonics use water (natural to the body) to remove toxins and waste from the colon and body, it allows for a more clean environment for absorbing necessary vitamins and nutrients more effectively. This can assist with mental clarity, digestive and immune system support and skin disorder relief.


Due to the simple treatment of Colon Hydrotherapy to cleanse your colon, this in itself can impact weight loss through the removal of large amounts of excess waste that has been stored in the colon over time. Through this cleansing, it can also assist in kickstarting your metabolism and relieve cravings which can directly impact better food and lifestyle choices. This can lead to healthier habits and sustainable health with a connection to your overall well-being.

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